*Note times are given in Australian Eastern Standard Time (Sydney)
*Note times are given in Australian Eastern Standard Time (Sydney)
*You fully acknowledge that:
The impact of your results are dependent upon your personal motivation to change. Lasting change requires your ACTION, to follow up for 21 days with the recording and consciously acknowledge changes in your life.
The more motivated you are, the faster and deeper your changes can be experienced. Results may be instant or change over a period of several weeks to few months. Experiencing emotional release after a session is normal and totally healthy, such as an upset stomach or experiencing a mood roller coaster. It is your body’s natural way of expelling old emotions and healing itself, just like a detox diet might give you headaches.
As with any therapy always follow the advice of your medical practitioner. RTT Hypnotherapy is not intended to diagnose any medical issues and is not intended to replace the advice of your healthcare professional. Consult your doctor or health professional before making any changes to your medication.